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Hapé NUNU Rapé  [Rare, Feminine Force, Pain Relief, Higher-Self, Unconditional Love- VERY STRONG]
Hapé NUNU Rapé [Raro, Fuerza Femenina, Alivio del Dolor, Yo Superior, Amor Incondicional - MUY FUERTE]
Hapé NUNU Rapé  [Rare, Feminine Force, Pain Relief, Higher-Self, Unconditional Love- VERY STRONG]
Hapé NUNU Rapé [Raro, Fuerza Femenina, Alivio del Dolor, Yo Superior, Amor Incondicional - MUY FUERTE]

Hapé NUNU Rapé [Raro, Fuerza Femenina, Alivio del Dolor, Yo Superior, Amor Incondicional - MUY FUERTE]


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Esta rara mezcla femenina de rappeh [hapé] es elaborada por la tribu Matsés de la Amazonía peruana, cerca de la región de Loreto, aguas abajo del río Gálvez. Este rappeh especial tiene muchas cualidades femeninas. Es decir, ofrece un espíritu femenino tanto de la madre divina como de la madre tierra, invocando el poder del amor incondicional y abriendo un canal tangible hacia el yo superior. Esta planta medicinal es muy poderosa y profundamente curativa. Su energía terrestre lo acuna a uno más cerca de las raíces de la tierra y de las profundidades del útero. Esta fuerza materna te permite sentirte guiada, nutrida, sostenida y apoyada.

Elaborado con hojas de mapacho tostadas y trituradas y la corteza del árbol macambo, miembro de la familia del cacao. El macambo en sí aporta una curación significativa al corazón y al útero, eliminando cualquier dolor alrededor de la cabeza y activando los chakras cardíaco y sacro. Este rappeh es profundamente calmante y te permite fortalecer tu conexión con tu yo superior.

Toda nuestra medicina de tabaco se elabora con oraciones intencionales y en pequeños lotes. Sobre todo, un trabajo de amor. Nuestros contenedores son todos del mismo tamaño y se ofrecen en botellas herméticas de vidrio pequeñas, medianas y grandes. Los envases pequeños pesan entre 2,3 y 3 gramos* (un tamaño de guisante de 15 a 20 porciones). El mediano pesa alrededor de un cuarto de onza, entre 7,5 y 8 gramos, y el grande pesa alrededor de media onza, entre 13,5 y 15 gramos*.

* Cada botella se llena al mismo nivel. La variación en el peso se debe a las diferentes densidades dentro de cada medicamento, ya que cada ingrediente influye en el peso de manera diferente.

Nuestro trabajo es amor infundido. Con eso trabajamos con las manos, el corazón y la mente. También puede notar una diferencia en nuestras etiquetas, ya que nuestro objetivo es utilizar nuestras etiquetas de diseño anteriores.

ADVERTENCIA: Este producto no es una alternativa segura a los cigarrillos.
ADVERTENCIA: El tabaco sin humo es adictivo.
ADVERTENCIA: Este producto contiene nicotina. La nicotina es una sustancia química adictiva.
ADVERTENCIA: Contiene cenizas alcalinas, no ingerir.


This unique hapé is a true specialty of ours, one that we hold in the highest regard, thanks to the wisdom passed down from our revered masters, the Matsés people. We offer it with great integrity, honoring its rare and profound  energies. The Matsés tribe is where our founder, Su-Ata, spent extensive time, gaining his knowledge, creating much of his written work  about hapé in the Peruvian Amazon, near the Loreto region along the Galvez River.

Bulk Packages: Triple sealed in vacuumed & food grade, durable bags!

Origin & Ingredients

This hapé medicine is rare especially unique to us, as it is exclusively crafted by our designated with the lineage of, medicine family, of Matses People. We are so grateful to be offering this unique hapé blend. Please note, even if someone encounters a Nunu hapé with the same name elsewhere, rest assured, it will not be same as our Nunu blend. 

Made from toasted and crushed mapacho leaves combined with the bark of the macambo tree—part of the cacao family—Nunu is no surprise to be a potent heart opener & healer. The macambo itself brings significant experience healing to both the heart centered energy and the mind, guiding you into a deeply healing space through gratitude. As it journeys around your skull, it alleviates discomfort and activates the heart and sacral chakras, taking you on a 15 to 20-minute experience of profound meditative healing. 

The color of Nunu may vary, often appearing whiter, depending on how the mapacho is fermented before it is ground into powder. The fermentation process greatly influences the color of any hapé.

Suggested Use & Impacts

Nunu hapé is deeply infused with feminine energy, invoking the spirit of both the divine mother and the earth mother. It channels the power of unconditional love and creates a direct connection to one's higher self. This plant medicine of hapé is profoundly healing, carrying the earth’s energy through the burnt shells and delicate gelatinous coating of the macambo beans. It draws you closer to the root of your being, to the depths of your womb. This maternal force cradles you, offering guidance, nurturing, and support. The macambo beans themselves are incredibly nutritious, often referred to as "brain food" as it is packed with protein and antioxidants.

This hapé is deeply calming, allowing you to strengthen your connection to your vessel and, ultimately to your higher self. We recommend using it, as always, with intention and prayer. Take a moment to reflect on your vulnerabilities and strengths, aiming to enter a space of grace and gratitude. One deep breath to salute Father Sky, another to honor Mother Earth, and a third to center yourself in your heart. Hold your breath with full lungs before belwing the medicine through your nostrils to get it on the upper nose bridge.

Aho, mitakuye oyasin! (A Lakota phrase meaning "All my relations," signifying unity and harmony with all life forms.)


  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Hapé (also known as Rapé) is a traditional plant-based product used in indigenous rituals for spiritual or ceremonial purposes. It is not intended for medicinal use.
  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or have any medical condition, please consult a healthcare professional before using this or any other supplement.

  • Pequeño
  • Medio
  • Grande
  • 250 Grams Bulk
  • 500 Grams Bulk
  • 1 KG Bulk
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Recogida disponible en CJA Headquarter/Nevada City,CA

Normalmente está listo en 24 horas

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Hapé NUNU Rapé [Raro, Fuerza Femenina, Alivio del Dolor, Yo Superior, Amor Incondicional - MUY FUERTE]

CJA Headquarter/Nevada City,CA

Recogida disponible,normalmente está listo en 24 horas

431 Uren St
Suite E
Nevada City CA 95959
Estados Unidos


Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
kenzie mitchell
The best!

Collective journey medicine has been a part of my life for years and I love the accessibility since they’ve launched a website! They are efficient, reliable and have some of the best products!

Timothy Adams

Very smooth and relaxing

Timothy Adams

Grassy notes, super smooth mellow bite. I use this to unwind after a hard days work and before yoga. Great Hape

Lovely blend

This is one of my favorite hapés, with a lovely taste and aroma unique to this blend. Soothing and nurturing.

James Rogan
Perfect Blend for Inner Peace and Focus!

NUNU Hape Blend has truly exceeded my expectations. It’s perfect for those days when I need to unwind or find my center. The blend’s soothing properties help me stay calm and focused, whether I’m working or relaxing at home. I love the gentle yet effective nature of this blend, and it’s quickly become a favorite in my wellness routine. Highly recommend it to anyone seeking balance and tranquility!



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Hapé NUNU Rapé  [Rare, Feminine Force, Pain Relief, Higher-Self, Unconditional Love- VERY STRONG]
Hapé NUNU Rapé [Raro, Fuerza Femenina, Alivio del Dolor, Yo Superior, Amor Incondicional - MUY FUERTE]